Summer Share
The summer share consists of 6-12 different varieties of vegetables every week for 18 weeks, beginning in June and ending in October. The summer share is designed for those who enjoy cooking and love vegetables. Depending on your love of vegetables, a share can provide for a family of three or more to a couple with a large appetite for vegetables. The diversity of vegetables changes as the season progresses. You can enjoy a bounty of greens, peas, and carrots early in the season; tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers in the summer; and broccoli and squash in the fall. A summer share will allow you to truly eat seasonally. The box is just over one bushel.
The Fall Share
The fall share is delivered four times over eight weeks. It begins when the summer share ends and runs through November. Each fall share box contains about 25 pounds of root vegetables, winter squash, and hearty greens from our fields and high tunnels. This share will allow you to prolong your supply of local vegetables long into autumn and store some for the winter as well. The box is just over one bushel.
Small Shares
The best and most cost effective option for a smaller share of our vegetables is to find a friend or family to share the summer/fall share. Receive all the goodness of the full share and split the contents up however you’d like. If splitting a full share still is not a good option for your situation, we can make up a 1/2 bushel box delivered on the same schedule as the summer shares. We are not offering smaller shares of the fall share. Please indicate on the sign up form that you are looking for the smaller summer share.